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Smile Makeover Treatment Vadodara

If you are looking for a smile makeover in Vadodara, then Chandan Dental clinic is your destination. A smile can change your overall personality. A beautiful smile can change your world altogether. It is the best jewel a person can wear. If you have any crooked tooth or discoloured tooth in the front region that restricts you to smile in public, then we have the perfect solution for you. Chandan Dental clinic has been delivering the perfect smile to its patients since a long time now.

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What is a smile makeover?

A smile makeover is the process of improving the appearance of your smile through some cosmetic dentistry procedures, such as: Dental laminates and veneers, Composite restorations, Tooth implants, Teeth whitening etc. The treatment modality is chosen as per the requirement of the individual.


Who needs a smile makeover?

Anyone who is not happy with the way he/she looks while smiling, can have a smile makeover. A smile makeover is customised according to the need of the patient. It varies according to the oral condition of the patient, his/her facial profile etc. Some may have malaligned teeth, whereas some may have yellowish teeth or crooked teeth or spacing between teeth. All these dental problems can be solved by the cosmetic dentistry procedures, ultimately delivering you with a bright and beautiful smile. This whole process is known as a smile makeover.


How much does a smile makeover cost?

A smile makeover, being a cosmetic dentistry procedure, is a bit pricey. But, Chandan Dental Clinic offers a very reasonable rate for smile makeover. We are one of the best dental clinics in Vadodara to offer smile makeover at such an affordable price.

Chandan Dental clinic is a one stop solution for all your dental problems. There are certain aspects on which the smile designing depends. Such as: the tooth colour, teeth alignment and spacing, missing teeth, presence of fuller lips and cheek or any disharmony in the teeth condition such as any cracks or chips. On the 1st appointment, we will examine your oral cavity and the shape of your face. We will check for all the necessary parameters required for smile designing and then evaluate the condition and prepare for a smile makeover for you. We will inform the complete procedure to you before starting it. Then we will show images of the corrected smile to you for your input. This is known as GPS smile designing. If you are satisfied with it, we will then begin with the procedure one by one, as required, to deliver you the perfect smile.

So, if you want a new look for yourself and want to have a perfect smile that can win the world, visit us at Chandan Dental Clinic. We will be happy to help you.

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